Pirates vs Narwhals



Argh! Welcome matey to Pirates vs Narwhals!
We've stolen some booty from the Abandoned Isles, and the local Narwhals can sense it. They're after our ship, and we must collect as much booty as we can before going under! Arrrrr you with us?


This game was made by 3 USC undergraduates (me included) during the Spring 2015 semester for ITP 382: Mobile Game Programming, which focused on Unity development.

Over the course of 1 semester, we built and displayed our game for the class, and it's now being published on the App Store so everyone can enjoy it :)

The overall goal of this game is to hop from island to island, making sure you don't take too many hits from incoming Narwhals, collecting booty on the way. You get more booty based on how accurate you are with your harpoons, as well as how many narwhals you've killed in a row without missing (as well as an island bonus for surviving the round).

The models of the ship and narwhal were made during the Fall 2014 semester at USC by a few students in the CSCI 281: Pipelines for Game Development class, which focused on 3D models that were mobile optimized. (shoutout to the Booty Lovers team)


Free (of course)
Supports all Devices
Supports iOS 6+
Epic music


Enjoy! :)

If you have questions or suggestions, reach out to me:

Pixel Diamond Games™ 2023

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